School of Practical Philosophy

Since its founding in Sydney in the 1960s, the School of Practical Philosophy Australia has sought to communicate what humanity’s great teachers have told us about our true nature, our purpose, and how we might live a happy, full and useful life.

The school in Brisbane began in the early 1990s and is a not-for-profit, non-religious organisation. It draws people of all ages and all walks of life who have wanted to simplify their lives and realise the benefits accorded by true wisdom, consciousness and joy.

There is plenty for anyone interested in the big questions of life and the world around us. Courses include ideas from Socrates, Plato, Confucius, Buddha, Rumi and Kabir, Epicurus, Emerson, Vivekananda and Maharaja Sri Santananda Saraswati, a modern exponent of the philosophy of unity or Advaita. Nevertheless, the emphasis is on learning from the most powerful of teachers: our own experience.

From the beginning, all aspects of the school in Brisbane have been run entirely by volunteers. In recent years, there has been a greater need for higher level and more specialised support in key roles, which are vital to allow the school to grow and operate in a professional manner. This includes administration and finance as well as marketing and communications.

Ubuntu’s generous donation allows the school to fund two part-time positions that will manage these important tasks. With this financial investment, it is anticipated the school will achieve greater growth in terms of enrolments and public awareness across Brisbane. A steady increase in enrolments will help the school to become more sustainable and financially viable in future.